My gifts to YOU and my personal secret photos 

If you buy MELANIE LEMESLE''s album, you will get presents (total value $1370) :

1) A free consult from the 10 Billion $ man" (Value $1105)

No one needs to be rich to be loved, have fun and be accepted in our Club*. So Melanie had an idea ! Wouldn't it be nice to be as carefree and joyful as during childhood ?  When there was no stress ? 

So, for you only, Jay shared his secrets on how to enjoy life with no stress on how to make a living. Just listen.

2) Free sessions to be energetic like an eternal kid (Value $200)

Energy comes from mouvement, playing with friends or practicing sports with a lot of fun. Sandy is a world champion in Muay Thai and a rehab trainer from New Zealand. Let's travel with her and her contagious laugh and energy. In only 5 minutes each time. 

3) Be better than your friends at gaming with a free gaming video (Value $65) 

John is giving you a free gaming course because life is supposed to be fun. 

4) Get an entry into my social media accounts

As a member of my Club*, you can enter my Instagram and Twitter, where only member of the Club can enjoy pictures and content, and talk together in the comments ! 

5) Receive my personal secret photos 

Get Exclusive never seen before pictures of the behind the scenes of the album

And more gifts to come . What gifts would make you happy ? Tell me in the comments ! 

* Mimi Club or Melanior Club : which name do you prefer ? Tell me in the comments !

Listen to the album and

get the presents NOW !

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